• Published: Jan 28, 2020 3:14 p.m. ET

    ‘It’s been exciting to see how millennial’s investing habits have shifted over the past year, says Capuzzi CEO of Apex Clearing

    MarketWatch photo illustration/iStockphoto

    Millennials clearly let their tastes dictate their stockpicks.

    Apex Clearing recently unveiled its fourth-quarter Millennial 100 report, which analyzed more than 734,000 portfolios owned by U.S.-based investors with an average age of just over 31 years. Many of the names are probably exactly what you’d expect, along with perhaps a few surprises

    “It’s been exciting to see how millennial’s investing habits have shifted over the past year,” Bill Capuzzi, CEO of Apex, said in a release accompanying the results. “From responding to key market moves, showing a keen interest in recent IPOs, and investing based on their values, millennials have proved to be a unique audience differing from their generational counterparts.” The millennial generation is usually classified as those born between 1981 and 1996.

    Here’s the top 10, broken down by percentage of overall holdings:

    Posted by giKYDm6yHg @ 7:38 pm for Good Reads, Learning, Technology |

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