The Grandson of legendary golfer Arnold Palmer told a story of how his Grandfather would always take his phone calls, no matter what he was doing, or where he was at. On one occasion he called him on his mobile phone and Arnie answered and said…”Where are you?” His Grandson replied back…”I’m at home where are you?” To that Arnie replied…”I’m with the President.” His Grandson replied back…”The President of what?” Arnie shot back as if it was so obvious…”The United States. I’m in the Oval Office right now with the President.” His Grandson exclaimed…”Why are you answering your phone?” Arnie warmly said…”Because I wanted to talk to you.”
To those who have lost loved ones and are not getting one or both of these calls from parents anymore, my heart goes out to you as I know firsthand the pain you feel. For those who are blessed to still be receiving them or calls from anyone else who you hold dear be it a grandmother, grandfather, aunt, uncle, brother, sister, son, daughter, spouse, etc, always answer their calls and with a grateful heart. The pain of missing a deadline, business goal, or interrupting a meeting does not compare to missing the people you love.
Wishing you and your family a safe and Happy New Year!